FOIA is a State statute that provides the public the right to access government documents and records. A person can request records maintained by the City of Mattoon on a specific subjects, unless the record is covered under the exemptions in the statue. If you are interested in reviewing/receiving copies of documents, complete the FOIA Application.

The Mattoon City Council has designated the following employees as FOIA officers for the type of records shown. Completed FOIA requests should be mailed to the appropriate FOIA officer using the address below or by other venues mentioned hereafter.

Municipal Records
Susan O'Brien
208 N. 19th Street, Mattoon, Illinois 61938

Fire Department Records
Fire Chief
1812 Prairie Avenue, Mattoon, Illinois 61938
Fax:  217-234-2448

Police Department Records
Heather Smith
1710 Wabash Avenue, Mattoon, Illinois 61938
Fax:  217-258-6715

Records the City will furnish immediately upon request are:

  • Approved minutes of the open meetings of the City
  • Ordinances or Resolutions maintained in printed form

2022 FOIA Request Form.pdfDownload