Boulevard Tree Planting Program

The City of Mattoon, the Mattoon Tree Commission, and the Lumpkin Family Foundation have implemented a program to replace trees that have been removed from City Boulevards. New boulevard tree planting requests are also welcome.

The program works as follows:

  1. Residents complete the online form (below) to request a boulevard tree to be planted.
  2. The Tree Commission will assemble the requests in the fall of each year, and determine which trees to plant.
  3. The City will purchase the trees. The City will plant, mulch, and stake the trees. The cost of the trees, planting, mulching and staking is being paid from grant funds. There is no cost to the property owner for this portion of the work.
  4. Residents are required to water the trees for the first 1 to 2 years until the trees are established. The City will provide watering bags for the property owner’s use. Residents are required to mow around the trees and provide general care thru-out the life of the tree. The City will remove the tree if it dies, or becomes damaged, or diseased.

Selection will be based on availability when the orders are placed. Homeowners are asked to select two choices in case of availability issues. Tree sizes are typically 1-1/2” to 2-1/2” trunk diameter.