City of Mattoon, Illinois

Official Government Website for the City of Mattoon, Illinois

City of Mattoon, Illinois

Official Government Website for the City of Mattoon, Illinois

Public Notices2021-08-31T22:50:46-05:00

Current Public Notices

Dodge Grove Cemetery Spring Cleanup

The City of Mattoon announces the annual Dodge Grove Cemetery spring clean up begins March 24, 2025.


Please have all items on Shepard hooks, ground items and in vases removed. Shepard hooks and vases on stones do not need to be removed.

Clean up will begin March 24 and go through to March 28, 2025.


The spring clean up is expected to be completed by March 28th.

March 11, 2025|

Council-Manager Government Presentation

During the Presentations, Petitions, and Communications portion of the City Council Meeting on March 4, 2025, there will be a public presentation on the Council-Manager form of government, covering how it works and its benefits to the community.

The Council Meeting is scheduled to start at 6:30PM. Residents are welcome to attend in person or join remotely via Webex (click here for virtual meeting info).

A  recording of the Council Meeting will be posted on our YouTube page in the coming days. 

March 3, 2025|

Proposed Remington Road Redevelopment

Please click here to see the proposed Remington Road Revelopment plan.

July 13, 2023|

Virtual City Council Meetings Details

Cisco WebEx hosts the virtual Council Chamber.  Join the meetings using the information shown below.

Visit the City Council Meeting page to view the agenda for upcoming meetings. For those unable to attend, recordings of any virtual City Council Meetings will be posted to our YouTube Channel.

March 18, 2025, Virtual Meetings Details:

A Regular City Council meeting is scheduled for 6:30 PM – 8:30 PM on Tuesday, March 18, 2025.

Regular City Council Meeting

At no sooner than 6:20 pm, visit the Cisco WebEx meeting site by clicking the link below.

Meeting number (access code): 2552 471 1365

Meeting password: 20819

Additional Instructions

Join meetings by telephone by dialing 415-655-0001 and use the meeting number and password shown above.

Participants may be muted when initially connected to the meeting.
If using a phone to call in, you can press *6 to unmute and mute yourself when public comment is invited.
If you wish to be heard during the public comment portion of the meeting, or wish to comment during the discussion period on an open motion, you need to send your comments in advance to the City Clerk’s office.  Your comments will be read into the record, or you will be called upon to speak at the appropriate time.  Contact the City Clerk’s office before 4:00 p.m. on the day of the meeting by calling 217-235-5654 or by sending an email message to c……  NOTE:  All those speaking during the meeting must first identify themselves by providing their full name for the record.
August 12, 2021|

Annual Fire Hydrant Flow Testing

The Mattoon Fire Department will be conducting annual flow testing, maintenance, and painting of fire hydrants throughout the City of Mattoon beginning July 26, 2021, and will continue until completed. Pending weather, this process should take 4-6 weeks to complete.

The hydrants will be flowed between the hours of 8am and 3pm

This testing is done to check flow rates to help provide better protection and response to the citizens and visitors of Mattoon.

During this time any landscaping that obstructs the view or operation of the hydrant will be trimmed or removed.

Hydrant flushing may cause discoloration of your household water in or near the areas being tested, which is a result of iron deposits being disturbed during the flushing process. Iron deposits can build up inside pressure tanks, water heaters and water pipes. It occasionally breaks loose, causing rusty water to flow when faucets are first opened.

Residents are advised to check their water for signs of discoloration prior to doing laundry. If you notice discoloration in the water, let the water run until it clears before doing laundry, this process usually takes less than 5 minutes.

Be advised the water is completely safe to drink at all times while this work is being done.


Jeff Hilligoss

Mattoon Fire Chief

July 22, 2021|

Utility Payments Update

Due to the spread of Coronavirus, the City of Mattoon will no longer accept payments directly from its customers at the Finance Office at City Hall.  The options for payment are online, by phone (844-701-1148, which is printed on all bills), by mail, or by using the drop box on the north side of City Hall.  Customers are encouraged to set up automatic payments by bank draft.  Those wishing to set up Water and Sewer service should contact the Finance Department by phone at 217-235-5483.

March 16, 2020|

Pandemic Update

Mattoon, Illinois, March 14 – Mayor Tim Gover and City Administrator Kyle Gill would like the citizens of Mattoon to know the City of Mattoon is working to prepare for any impact the Coronavirus may have on our community. We continue to receive and share information with state and local health officials to ensure we are implementing the proper strategies to help reduce the risks of contracting or spreading the virus. We are working with the City Departments to determine how we will continue to service our citizens and visitors while minimizing the risk to both citizens and our employees.

The City recommends conducting business over the phone or using Internet resources when at all possible. We reinforce the need to follow the Center for Disease Control (CDC) guidelines on prevention or spreading the virus. Please be diligent in washing your hands and practice social distancing. Anyone who is experiencing symptoms of this or any other virus should contact a healthcare professional or the Coles County Health Department.

Centers for Disease Control

Illinois Department of Health

Coles County Public Health

March 14, 2020|
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