City of Mattoon, Illinois

Official Government Website for the City of Mattoon, Illinois

City of Mattoon, Illinois

Official Government Website for the City of Mattoon, Illinois


City of Mattoon News

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To better communicate with the public, the City of Mattoon uses social media in addition to its website to help share information about local news and events. The City encourages you to engage with us on these social networks, but for a timely response, please use the Contact Form.

Latest News from the City of Mattoon

Annual Fire Hydrant Flow Testing

The Mattoon Fire Department will be conducting annual flow testing, maintenance, and painting of fire hydrants throughout the City of Mattoon beginning July 26, 2021, and will continue until completed. Pending weather, this process should take 4-6 weeks to complete. The hydrants will be flowed between the hours of 8am and 3pm This testing is done to check flow rates to help provide better protection and response to the citizens and visitors of Mattoon. During this time any landscaping that obstructs the view or operation of the hydrant will be trimmed or removed. Hydrant flushing may cause discoloration of your [...]

July 22, 2021|

City Announces New Aggregated Electricity Rates

The City of Mattoon has obtained a new aggregated electricity rate contract for the community. Learn more, including how you can opt-in or opt-out of the contract, by reading the Electricity section of the Utilities page on the City's website:

October 1, 2020|

Mayor Provides Direction for Restaurants & Bars

The Mayor issued today this letter providing direction to restaurant and bar owners who wish to reopen their establishments. Direct questions regarding the contents of this letter to the Code Enforcement office at 217-234-7367 or the City Clerk's office at 217-235-5654.

May 28, 2020|

Utility Payments Update

Due to the spread of Coronavirus, the City of Mattoon will no longer accept payments directly from its customers at the Finance Office at City Hall.  The options for payment are online, by phone (844-701-1148, which is printed on all bills), by mail, or by using the drop box on the north side of City Hall.  Customers are encouraged to set up automatic payments by bank draft.  Those wishing to set up Water and Sewer service should contact the Finance Department by phone at 217-235-5483.

March 16, 2020|
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