City of Mattoon News
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To better communicate with the public, the City of Mattoon uses social media in addition to its website to help share information about local news and events. The City encourages you to engage with us on these social networks, but for a timely response, please use the Contact Form.
City of Mattoon, Illinois - Municipality
Latest News from the City of Mattoon
City Announces New Aggregated Electricity Rates
The City of Mattoon has obtained a new aggregated electricity rate contract for the community. Learn more, including how you can opt-in or opt-out of the contract, by reading the Electricity section of the Utilities page on the City's website:
Mayor Provides Direction for Restaurants & Bars
The Mayor issued today this letter providing direction to restaurant and bar owners who wish to reopen their establishments. Direct questions regarding the contents of this letter to the Code Enforcement office at 217-234-7367 or the City Clerk's office at 217-235-5654.
2020 Mattoon T-Ball Registration
2020 Mattoon T-Ball Registration Form is Now Available. Boys and Girls Ages 4 through 7. Complete and Return the Registration Form to the Park Office by May 1st.
Utility Payments Update
Due to the spread of Coronavirus, the City of Mattoon will no longer accept payments directly from its customers at the Finance Office at City Hall. The options for payment are online, by phone (844-701-1148, which is printed on all bills), by mail, or by using the drop box on the north side of City Hall. Customers are encouraged to set up automatic payments by bank draft. Those wishing to set up Water and Sewer service should contact the Finance Department by phone at 217-235-5483.
Pandemic Update
Mattoon, Illinois, March 14 – Mayor Tim Gover and City Administrator Kyle Gill would like the citizens of Mattoon to know the City of Mattoon is working to prepare for any impact the Coronavirus may have on our community. We continue to receive and share information with state and local health officials to ensure we are implementing the proper strategies to help reduce the risks of contracting or spreading the virus. We are working with the City Departments to determine how we will continue to service our citizens and visitors while minimizing the risk to both citizens and our employees. [...]
Mattoon Farmers Market
Mattoon Farmers Market at Lytle Park Open every Friday, Spring through Fall, from 8:00 a.m. until 1:30 p.m., or while supplies last. For questions, call Lytle Park at 217-234-2464.