Welcome to the Mattoon Community Development and Code Enforcement Office

About Us

The Community Development and Code Enforcement office is committed to ensuring the safety, quality, and integrity of our community through the enforcement of local ordinances and codes. We work diligently to promote responsible development while preserving the character and quality of Mattoon.

Code Enforcement

The Code Enforcement Office is primarily responsible for the enforcement of the following ordinances and codes:

  • Mattoon Subdivision Ordinance
  • Mattoon Subdivision Ordinance
  • Mattoon Zoning Ordinance
  • Mattoon Floodplain Ordinance
  • Mattoon Electrical Code Ordinance
  • International Building Code – 2003
  • International Property Maintenance Code – 2003
  • International Fire Code – 2003
  • International Residential Code- 2003
  • International Mechanical Code – 2003
  • NFPA National Electrical Code – 2008
  • Illinois Accessibility Code – 2018 edition
  • ADA Standards for accessible design – 2018
  • Mattoon Sign Ordinance
  • Mattoon Corridor Development Ordinance

The Building Inspections Office requires the following when submitting plans for review and issuance of a building permit:

  1. Detached garages: a plot plan of the property. This is filed with the permit copy.
  2. Single family homes and duplexes: a plot plan showing building size, location of building(s) on the property, adjacent streets, off street parking and drive entrances.
  3. All other buildings: two sets of complete plans, including plot plan, surface water control (drainage) plan if over 10,000 square feet is altered, parking layout, site work plan, general building plans, electrical, plumbing, and mechanical; plans, including all calculations. All construction documents must be sealed by a design professional with an Illinois registration.
  4. If anyone but the owner applies for the permit, we require certification from the owner.


Zoning Changes in Mattoon
The City of Mattoon provides opportunities for property owners and interested parties to request zoning changes through three types of petitions:
  • Rezoning ($300) – For changing the zoning classification of a property.
  • Variance ($200) – For requesting an exception to zoning regulations.
  • Special Use ($300) – For obtaining permission to use a property in a way not typically allowed under its current zoning classification.
Petition fees can be paid by cash or check, either in person or by mail. Payments and petitions should be submitted to the Mattoon City Clerk’s Office, located at 208 N 19th Street. If mailing, please include both the completed petition and payment and address them to:

ATTN: Mattoon City Clerk’s Office

208 N 19th Street

Mattoon, IL 61938

For detailed instructions, review our Steps for Filing a Petition for Zoning Change, and download the editable Zoning Petition Examples to guide you through the process. For additional assistance, contact the Mattoon Planning and Zoning Department at 217-234-7367 or cd@mattoonillinois.org

Code Enforcement Downloads

Code Enforcement Office Contact Information

Contact: permits@mattoonillinois.org

Phone: 217-234-7367

City Hall

208 North 19th Street

Mattoon, Illinois  61938


Community Development and Planning Director (Zoning Official): Alexander Benishek

Plumbing & Building Inspector:  Steve Sudkamp

Electrical Inspector: Gary Carter